Wordpress Rss Feed Url Careat Google news publisher
From today's post you will know how to create wordpress website rss feed.
I will just see today how to create the rss feed url which is required for google news approval application. If you want to apply your website for google news approval but how to create rss feed cost then read this post carefully and see.
How to create rss feed url
To generate rss feed first we need to take the full home address of the website for which we will create feed ulr. Below is an example
If such url is https://sportsnewsb.com/
And if https://www.banglahellp240.com/
Usually there are two types of urls on websites. With this url we need to add the rest.
Adding ?feed=rss to your website url will become the rss feed url as shown above. This rss feed url will be applicable for wordpress site only.
Moreover, you can create rss feed uel for your website by watching videos on YouTube from below